Presse – All the Way


""All the way", a video work that Jakob Engel, Jonathan Penca, Annegret Schlegel and Jan Philipp Stange have projected onto the stage of the Mousonturm Studio, has a false twist. The group brings a more or less self-proclaimed, real-life Youtube legend called "Double Rainbow Guy" into into the reality of the theater. The artist group adds to his Youtube self-representation in clever montage. Penca inserts, again as a video the impressive dubbing of an original sound as a travesty performance. Until the naïve rainbow man from the mountain, with his all-purpose repeated belief in the Internet and a spirituality in the age of the Internet, reminds us extremely unpleasantly of current political developments: the image of the Internet as absolute freedom turns out to be deceptive - a double rainbow.”
(Eva-Maria Magel, FAZ, 2.2.2017)

All the Way, Mousonturm, Frankfurt, 2017

Video work with a false twist


The video performance All the Way sets off on the trail of the YouTube hit ‘Double Rainbow Video’, which witnesses an epiphany: the protagonist claims to see God when a double rainbow appears – and then erupts in ecstasy. An actor from Frankfurt sets off on this quest and attempts to retrace this experience of ecstasy. The document of this re-enactment sparks an investigation into the media of video and performance, which in this piece interrogate each other via the mirror of the rainbow. What can video do – and what can’t it do? What kinds of spirituality does the internet create? Can the divine reveal itself in the digital space – and which subjects produce it? This piece searches for the prophets of the internet and its audience – all the way across the sky.

Premiere on 31. January 2017 at Mousonturm Frankfurt, Frankfurter Positionen Festival für Neue Werke. Further screenings on 01.02. and 02.02.2017

With Jonathan Penca und Paul Vasquez. By Jakob Engel, Annegret Schlegel and Jan Philipp Stange | photos by Jakob Engel

With generous support from Mousonturm Frankfurt, the HTA and Frankfurt Positionen Festival für Neue Werke.

All the Way
All the Way