Presse – Szenario (Scenario)


Szenario (Scenario), 2022, Musical

Nur Arbeit und kein Spiel macht dumm.

(Karl Marx)

In many industries, people spend an increasing amount of their working time on presenting their own activities. Applications, acquisitions, evaluations, factual reports - theater professionals are not exempt from this development. However, these proliferations of bureaucracy are not the result of the sadism of malicious civil servants, but are actually linked to important social goals such as equal opportunities and transparency. In the face of endless societal crises, however, one's own effectiveness seems put to the test when so much energy and time must be spent announcing highly relevant projects long before one can even think of implementing them. All of this challenges the self-images and time management of an entire generation that works so uncompromisingly on its own self-realization. How to deal with it? In "Szenario" four performance artists* sing the grant application of their theater production in an icy environment. Can they develop a positive concept of alienated work in the process? A four-part musical with subversive flair about precarious production conditions and the future of work.

With Ana Berkenhoff, Daniel Degeest, Alina Huppertz, Dominik Keggenhoff. Director: Jan Philipp Stange. Music: Jacob Bussmann. Stage: Jakob Engel. Costume design: Maylin Habig. Dramaturgy: Philipp Scholtysik. Production: Alessia Neumann. Public relations: Annika Schmidt. Organizational assistance direction: Paula Noack. Collaboration stage: Kathrin Frech. Photos: Christian Schuller. Video: Charlotte Bösling.

A production by Stange Produktionen, in cooperation with studioNAXOS and the Schwankhalle Bremen, with generous support of the Cultural Office Frankfurt, the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Commissioner for Culture and the Media, the Kulturfonds Rhein-Main, the Claussen-Simon-Stiftung, the Hessian Ministry for Science and the Arts, and others. Stange Produktionen is institutionally supported by the Cultural Office Frankfurt am Main as well as by the Fonds Darstellende Künste on a multi-year basis.

Premiere on Nov. 18, 2022 at studioNAXOS in Frankfurt am Main, performances on Nov. 19/25/26. Further performances planned in May 2023 at the Schwankhalle Bremen.

Szenario (Scenario)
Szenario (Scenario)